20. 03. 2024

Amendments to Energy Laws bring strengthening of consumer rights and protection in the energy sector and the transfer of powers to ÚRSO in the field of state supervision

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic elaborated extensive amendments to four basic energy laws that mainly take account of the experience from the application practice. Amendments to the energy laws bring about clearer invoices for consumers and extension of powers and new control competences for the Regulatory Office for Network Industries (ÚRSO), which means its stronger position. At the same time, ÚRSO obtains new powers from the Slovak Trade Inspection (SOI) in the field of state supervision. In addition to this, there are changes in exercising the ways of price regulation and regarding provisions relating to the imposition of obligations in the general economic interest. Amendments will also make it easier to connect renewable sources. Amendments to the energy laws are proposed to enter into force as of 1 July 2024, following the approval by the Slovak Parliament.

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19. 03. 2024

Procedures in industrial parks construction to be reviewed by the Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic

Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic will be providing assistance to the Supreme Audit Office (NKÚ) of the Slovak Republic that launched an audit of processes related to the preparation and construction of Industrial Parks in Rimavská Sobota and in Valaliky located near Košice. Preparatory works of strategic investors for starting their production are currently underway in both industrial parks.

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06. 03. 2024

State Secretaries of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic engaged in talks held with the former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta

State Secretaries of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic Kamil Šaško and Vladimír Šimoňák engaged in talks held with the President of Jacques Delors Institute and the former Prime Minister of Italy Enrico Letta that were organized on Tuesday 5 March 2024 at the Office of the Government of the Slovak Republic. Joint talks were led by the Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Robert Fico and they dealt with reviewing major challenges of the European Union Single Market while focusing on experiences and conditions of the Slovak economy.

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05. 03. 2024

In order to ensure security of gas supplies to Slovakia, it is crucial to maintain gas transit through Ukraine even after 2024

Brussels – The Energy Council meeting held in Brussels on Monday 4 March 2024 addressed particularly the issues of energy security and stability of gas supplies for next winter. Ministers adopted a recommendation on continuing to monitor the reduction of gas consumption and they had a discussion on how to achieve the greatest possible autonomy of the EU in terms of energy supplies. The State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy Kamil Šaško represented Slovakia at the meeting.

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29. 02. 2024

Slovak Government stands ready for a revolution in the automotive industry. It decided on how to help the sector.

Holding the talks on expanding electric vehicles´ production including respective car parts. Ensuring a sufficient number of skilled workers. Working to increase an electricity transmission system as a key factor in the motor vehicle production. Making more effective an environmental impact assessment procedure. Measures outlined above, being among more than thirty tasks, represent results of negotiations held between Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic and Slovak Automotive Industry Association representatives, while the Government of the Slovak Republic assigned the tasks among respective ministries at its session today. Measures and tasks that were adopted, aim to assist in the transition of the automotive sector to new technologies, which will contribute to support and ensure environmental activities, sustainable growth and in the long term also sufficient job opportunities in the sector forming a significant share of the economy of Slovakia. Currently, the automotive sector accounts for 42% of Slovakia´s exports.

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27. 02. 2024

Bosch business in Slovakia was influenced by decreasing demand

Bosch business in Slovakia was influenced by decreasing demand

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21. 02. 2024

Slovakia and Turkey to enhance trade cooperation

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic Denisa Saková signed an agreement on closer cooperation with the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Turkey Ömer Bolat on Tuesday 20 February 2024. Slovakia and Turkey will strengthen cooperation in renewable energy sources and energy security, automotive and engineering industries and transport. The agreement was signed during the Slovak-Turkish Business Forum held in Bratislava. There are strong demands to cooperate on the part of Slovak and Turkish businesses. As many as 87 Slovak and 31 Turkish businesspersons applied for the Business Forum.

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16. 02. 2024

The State Company Valaliky Industrial Park will be headed by Norbert Faith

The State Company, Valaliky Industrial Park, which is constructing an important strategic park in eastern Slovakia in Valaliky near Košice, will be headed by Norbert Faith. Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, acting as the sole partner of the State Company Valaliky Industrial Park, appointed him to the post of executive director with effect from 16 February 2024.

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16. 02. 2024

Slovakia to cooperate with the French company Framatome on nuclear education

The Memorandum of Understanding between the Slovak University of Technology (STU) in Bratislava and Framatome, the French company, was co-signed at the STU premises on 16 February 2024 by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic Kamil Šaško, acting on behalf of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic Denisa Saková. The Memorandum is aimed at stimulating and supporting nuclear educational activities and research collaboration. The Ministry of Economy stresses the urgency of the challenges confronted by the nuclear energy in terms of lack of human capacities. The nuclear energy is crucial for the future of the Slovak energy. Signing the Memorandum will deepen the cooperation between Slovakia and French in nuclear energy and will also be useful for Slovakia in educating qualified experts in this field.

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Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
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