Annual Payments

In 2025 annual fees payments are due for biocidal products having a legal force date of the decision prior 31. 12. 2024.

Payment deadline: by 30. 06. 2025

Period of grace with double rate: by 30. 09. 2025

Non-payment effect: biocidal product cancellation as from 01. 10. 2025

Annual payments are due annually without any invitation by June 30th of the calendar year following entering the registration or authorisation decision into legal force. Please contact us in case of any doubts about duty to pay the first annual fee in a given calendar year.

Annual fees may be paid at any time during the first 6 months of the calendar year and sufficiently in advance prior June 30th.

Following the annual fee payment in the due amount the annual fee counts for the whole calendar year in which it was paid.

Legal basis: § 14 para 11 to 18 of Biocides Act No 319/2013

Rates: § 1 para 3 of Ordinance of Government No 340/2013 and Annex

For positive assignment of a received payment please:

-       pay an annual fee specifically to a particular biocidal product/family.

-       pay heightened attention to the bank details.

-       enter into payment details

o   variable numeral string consisting of numerals created from registration or authorisation number by omitting letters and other symbols.

o   the complete biocidal product/family name only in a notice for beneficiary.

o   2025 as a specific symbol:

The most frequent Annual Fees Rates:

-       Transitional registrations: 150 €

-       Authorisations resulting from mutual recognition, including same biocidal product authorisations resulting from mutually recognised reference authorisation:

o   Individual biocidal product: 300 €

o   Biocidal product family: 400 €


Bank details of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic for annual fees:

If your bank is in SEPA please use details from the left column.

If your bank is non-SEPA please use details from the right column.

Please do not combine details from left and right columns.

Your bank will provide you information whether it is SEPA or non-SEPA.


SEPA payment

Non-SEPA payments


SK55 8180 0000 0070 0049 8015

SK55 8180 0000 0070 0049 8015




Account name



Beneficiary´s Bank


Radlinskeho 32

810 05 Bratislava

Slovak Republic


Radlinskeho 32

810 05 Bratislava

Slovak Republic

Beneficiary´s intermediary Bank


Vseobecna uverova banka a.s.

Mlynske Nivy 1

829 90 Bratislava

Slovak Republic


Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky

Centrum pre chemické látky a prípravky

Mlynské nivy 44/a

827 15 Bratislava 212

Slovenská republika

Ministerstvo hospodárstva Slovenskej republiky

Centrum pre chemické látky a prípravky

Mlynské nivy 44/a

827 15 Bratislava 212

Slovenská republika

Bank details for annual fees are the same since 2014.

Please pay attention to the bank details for annual fees SK55 8180 0000 0070 0049 8015, especially if your company had already paid other types of fees to other bank accounts in relation to biocidal products in the past.

Bank fees are paid by a payer.

Examples of variable numeral string creation from a registration number

bio/1234/D/12/CCHLP ð 123412

bio/56789/D/07/1/CCHLP ð 56789071

Examples of variable numeral string creation from an authorisation number

SK20-123 ð 20123

SK14-MRS-123-456/14 ð 14123

2010/1234/5678/SK/MA/10223 ð 20101234


Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic
Mlynské nivy 44/A
827 15 Bratislava 212
IČO: 00686832
00421 2 4854 1111